A little help here?

Introducing Craig

If you’ve read some of my blogs or followed activity on the Steadfast Standards website, you will have noticed that I just fell off the face of the earth. Well, sort of. The truth is, I wasn’t keeping up on this site because it was so much easier to post updates to our Steadfast Standards Facebook page. And then, I fell behind there too. Too many things to do!

When my husband, Craig, kind of gave me grief about not keeping y’all up to date on what’s happening with the dogs, I gave it right back and suggested that HE should do that too.

So without further adieu, I introduce to you your new contributor, Craig.

And since you don’t know him yet the way I know him, I’d just like to apologize in advance for the things I know he’ll say. The man has no filters! If he thinks it, he says it. He means no harm – doesn’t have a mean bone in his body – but, I have him to thank for my very, very thick skin. Apparently, everyone thinks he’s funny except me. Or so he says.

Honestly, I think you’ll enjoy his updates. He’s a kick …and I love him.