All Hail Princess Fiona!

We would like to recognize and pay homage to Her Royal Highness, Princess Fiona; officially known as GCHP CH Steadfast’s Sweet Land Of Liberty CAA FCAT ACT1 ACT1J DS CGC TKI. Among her many accomplishments, here’s a short summary of her top achievements: 2022 Fastest Female Standard Schnauzer in the Nation in FastCAT. 2022 Winner of the AKC FastCAT invitational. 2023 SSCA National Specialty Best of Breed Winner. 2023 #1 Standard Schnauzer in the Nation. 2024 Westminster Best of Breed winner. 2024 Achieved Grand Champion Platinum certification; the highest level of Grand Champion possible.   Of all of the accomplished Steadfast dogs out there as Champions, Grand Champions, titles in numerous sporting disciplines, and even as a very accomplished Therapy dog; as of this writing, none are more accomplished than Her Royal Highness, Princess Fiona. Fiona is an excellent representation of the breed and she’s made us very proud as her breeder. All Hail Princess Fiona!!

Steadfast Sweeps Another Specialty Show!

Huge shoutout to two incredible Steadfast dogs and their amazing owners! Last year, Kodi & Fiona took the national specialty show by storm with Best of Breed & Best of Opposite ribbons! Their winning streak is still going strong! This year, Fiona took home Best of Breed at Westminster, while Kodi earned an Award of Merit. They’re still on fire and racking up wins! Just this weekend in Belton, they were unstoppable! They swept the regional RRSSC specialty show, winning BOTH Best Of Breed and Best Of Opposite awards at the specialty – and they snapped up those same ribbons all four days of competition! So proud of these champs – keep shining bright, you amazing pups!

We Seek Enthusiasm

Commitment levels

It’s always heartwarming to see new puppy parents light up with joy when they realize they’ve been chosen as Steadfast owners! We do have a thorough selection process to ensure our dogs find wonderful homes, but some people might think that since we’ve bred top competitors in dog shows and performance sports, we only choose families who compete. In reality, our main goal is to ignite enthusiasm for the Standard Schnauzer as the ultimate companion dog, and let’s face it—most people don’t participate in dog shows or sports events. That’s why we wholeheartedly believe that loving companion homes play a vital role in showcasing the remarkable intelligence, loyalty, and steadfast spirit of Standard Schnauzers. Whether our owners are out there competing or simply cherishing everyday moments with their dogs, we take immense pride in each and every one of them. We breed dogs capable of excelling in shows, performance sports, or in challenging working dog environments, but it’s your aspirations and desires that shape their future. Think of it as a tiered approach where you decide how much time and energy you want to invest with your dog. And know that at Steadfast, we celebrate your wonderful journey of life with Standard Schnauzers no matter which level you choose!

Let the show begin!

I wonder how many “dog show people” started out just like me.  I was just looking for a pet.  A beloved Standard Schnauzer to help fill the lonely spot in my heart after my fur-babies, Bosco and Winston, crossed over the rainbow bridge.  I searched all over Texas and the surrounding states and then reached out all the way to California looking for a Standard Schnauzer.  When I finally found Zoey, I hopped on a plane as fast as I could to go get her.  I was so excited that I arrived without a collar, leash, or crate.  And that’s how I started our show career too – completely unprepared. The first show I entered was the Standard Schnauzer Nationals in Houston.  Our first show.  The Nationals.  The first dog show I’d ever attended, to say nothing of participation.  In retrospect, ridiculous.  Need I say that we didn’t win?  The experience might have ended my interest in showing Zoey had it not been for the warm support of SS owners and handlers encouraging me to take a deep breath, get some training, and not  give up. When I started again, Zoey made Champion so quickly that I felt like I hadn’t even really had a chance to develop my talents as the human exhibiting this beautiful schnauzer.  Soooo, this is what led to the decision to continue on and title her as a Grand Champion.  It’s little incremental steps you take in the journey to crazy – and I’m already a ways down that road.