What’s in a name?
First off, know this: the names I call the puppies today need not follow them to their forever-homes. In fact, when they leave my home they’re likely to think their name is “Don’t Chew That,” “No Bark!,” or “Who Pooped Over Here?” That said, I will tell you that I’m calling each of the puppies by a name associated with Flag Day since that’s when they were born. So, we have: Banner, Bennington, Wilson, Renner, Quincy, Fremont, Glory, Gilly, and Bear. Okay, so Bear is a little different. …The Bear Flag Revolt occurred the same date as National Flag Day (June 14th), and calling him “Bear” is an affirmation of my hometown history. Also, this little guy is a bear when it comes to muscling his way in to get a teet. He wasn’t the first born, but he is the biggest. Maybe I’m letting my imagination run wild and reading too much into his demeanor, but I’m telling you this little guy has a calm, top-of-the-food-chain confidence about him. He pushes his brothers and sisters off the teet with no real malice intended – just a slow, methodical “sorry, but you’ll have to get out of my way” approach. And he sleeps like he’s in hibernation! The other pups squirm and whine when I pick them up to weigh them, but Bear just yawns and indulges me with his patience while I go through my ritual. Gilly? Namesake for Mary Pickersgill, maker of the Star Spangled Banner flag, and Elizabeth Duane Gillespie, a direct descendant of Benjamin Franklin and the president of the Colonial Dames of Pennsylvania, that tried to get the city to call June 14th ‘Flag Day.’ Resolutions by women were not granted much notice, however, and it wasn’t until 1937, that Pennsylvania became the first state to establish Flag Day and is today the only state that recognizes it as a legal holiday. “Glory” is kind of obvious. Renner is short for Rennerdale. You’ll have to look it up if you’re curious how it fits with Flag Day. Same for Quincy. Bennington (Benny) is easy if you’re up on your flag history. And Wilson was our President that proclaimed Flag Day. …though I’m still having trouble NOT hearing Tom Hanks cry for Wilson in my mind. Fremont is interesting because his namesake was prominent both in national flags and the Bear Flag Revolt. I specifically attached the name Fremont to the pup that seems to do the most exploring of the whelping box. Granted, he’s only 3 days old and not a lot of exploring can be done, but let’s see if over time his early appetite for adventure holds true. All are doing well. They are well cared for by super-mama Zoey – who would have killed a possum last night had I not made her drop him, and tonight considered taking the head off our beloved cat when he made the mistake of jumping the baby gate to join us in the whelping room. As with all jobs, she takes this mama job seriously!
Flag day = puppy day!
Wow, let me set the scene for you: I’m working from home after a long night of very little rest. Zoey was panting, pacing, and nesting all night long and neither of us got much sleep. I knew the puppies were imminent. I had just hung up from one conference call and was two minutes into the next one when BOOM, her plug is blown (water broke). Nevermind that she happened to be standing on the one tiny part of the floor that I DIDN’T have covered up. I wasn’t concerned because I had arranged for professional, been-there-done-that-a-bunch-whelping-midwife help coming to assist. But noooo, Zoey didn’t wait for reinforcements. Number one pup was on it’s way, and I mean NOW. I used the few minutes available to cancel and reschedule all my workday events and the rest of the day and into the evening we were whelping pups. Nine of ’em folks! Nine beautiful, squeaky little wiggleworms. Seven boys, two girls. All nice, healthy weights – and gaining quickly. And my girl Zoey? I just love her to pieces! She’s strong willed and independent (one of those Schnauzer traits I love) and yet the trust she places in me is so evident and heart-warming. This was her first litter and she was clearly scared when the first pup was coming. She pressed her head into my chest and leaned against my body as she pushed that first pup out. It was really sweet. A Kodak moment that only she and I captured in memory. …well, that may not be completely true. I had turned on the video camera and set it inside the whelping box. If I captured anything worthwhile I’ll post it for y’all once I get rested up and caught up on work stuff. In the meantime, this pic sums up how we both felt at the end of the day:
Puppy madness
Today is Zoey’s first possible due date. She is so huge! And clearly not comfortable. Tick, tock, tick, tock; we’re just waiting for the big moment. It seems like there must be 10 in there! I had someone ask me if any nesting behavior had started. I told her, “Oh yes! It’s extreme! You should see how much effort and expense I’ve put into the nursery!” She laughed and said, “I meant the dog.” Seriously, I even added a webcam …with sound …for when I have to go back to the office.
We’re so excited about the forthcoming litter of puppies! They are due around 6/15/18. Can’t wait! …and yet, so much to do before Miss Zoey whelps.